Watercolour, Pastel and Pencil

Hi there! Here are some art work which I’ve been meaning to show the world to in a LONG TIME. The oldest one is probably Smeagol/Gollum (judging by his expression, he’s in one of his post transformation Smeagol modes) made around four years ago. It’s made from dry pastel, a medium which I discovered in … More Watercolour, Pastel and Pencil

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Counterparts of a Coin

There are several things I would like to catch up on and I’m going to divide them into 3 posts. This happens to be the long awaited ‘Sherlock’ illustration which actually featured two of the most central characters of the episode/novel ‘The Reichenbach Fall’/’The Final Problem’. (minus John, plus Jim. Sorry.) This drawing represents both … More Counterparts of a Coin

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An Art Break, is all.

So due to my excitement in showing everyone my original painting of the Misty Mountains, here are some other pieces of work done by yours truly 🙂 The flight of the doves An acrylic painting on canvas which depicts a group of children from various ethnic backgrounds releasing their doves of peace towards the tree … More An Art Break, is all.

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Bella the strange

He was on the very brink of existence. The horrors of Azkaban had consumed him. His heart was shattered on the floor in front him -a heart that used to beat and breathe and even love. A stray beam of moonlight poured gently through the bars that had imprisoned him for so long. He flinched … More Bella the strange

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Crafting Christmas – A message from the Elves.

Dear everyone who’s currently viewing the blog of thewildtinker, We, the elves, would gladly like to announce the official opening of our christmas sales. To anybody whose interested in cards, bookmarks, jewelry or any other little trinkets( all of which are handmade) for christmas or for even any occasion, for that matter, do feel free … More Crafting Christmas – A message from the Elves.

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